
Supply package

Besides our internal processes, we are capable of providing our customers with complete and tailored services. Indeed, upon request from the customer, we may coordinate the entire order independently and supply a full package by taking care sheet metal and tube laser cutting, machining, thermal and surface treatments, etc. For the above processes we resort to qualified and well-proven suppliers, which we had a chance to assess over years of collaboration. All our sub-suppliers who specialize in the above processes are located a few miles from our facility, thus allowing us to ensure fast response times and low logistic costs..

Just-in-time deliveries

We feature a large warehouse for raw material, semi-finished and finished product logistic management. We guarantee fast and flexible deliveries thanks to our proprietary truck fleet and the transport companies we have special agreements with. We can deliver the products according to the just-in-time model for it to be immediately used at the customer’s production facility.

Supply kits

Multi-item stillage for supply kit

Multi-item stillage for supply kit

Upon request, we can deliver the goods in logistic kits by means of containers or stillages specifically cut-to-fit the material it is carried. The kit delivery consists of grouping different code items according to the customer’s product/process approach; thus, every assembly line station is fed with all the needed parts collected in just one container.

EDI platform

Thanks to the EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) system, our enterprise system ERP “converses” directly with the customer’s IT system for the immediate exchange of documents regarding such transactions as orders, schedules, invoices, delivery notes, etc.

MDS data sheet management

In case of customers operating in the automotive industry, we also manage MDS material data sheets as provided in the IMDS (International Material Database System).

In-house design

Our design department employs trained staff that uses state of the art software programs including Autodesk Inventor (for 3D design) and Ansys (for linear and nonlinear static structural FEM analyses) and can support our customers from the very beginning of the product development phase.

CAE analysis

Upon request from the customer, we can provide CAE (Computer-aided engineering) analysis by means of a software which verifies the entire cold forming process. The software program, starting from the calculation of theoretical blank, creates a virtual simulation of the drawing phase while graphically visualizing any critical situation it should detect. The study, which includes the definition of the preliminary forming cycle (pre-method), allows to adopt suitable measures before producing the dies.
We offer our customers quality, reliability and versatility, from design to finished product delivery.